Peoples' Family Honduras Trip

The Peoples family will be in Honduras working with Brad and Lycia Schreckhise, missionaries of the United Pentecostal Church, for 8 weeks. Our home church is Royalwood Pentecostal Church in Houston, TX.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday service

Had service at the "central" church in Tegucigalpa this morning with Pastor Benino.  Great service.  One lady received the Holy Ghost.  I preached 95% in English.  Bro. Brad translated.  I was brave enough to read the text in Spanish (3 verses – the Bible makes for some pretty tough Spanish words IMO) and sprinkle about 4 spanish sentences throughout (pre-written and well-practiced sentences).  It was a really great service though.  The last song in the worship service was a chain of songs.  All really fast and great.  I remember one of the songs from when the Spanish church was together with us at Royalwood.  Here are a few videos.  Sorry for the extremely poor sound quality.  They play their music really loud.  There's a lot of peaking and crackling from the iphone recording. 

The altar service was great.  It's amazing because it reminds me so much of an altar service in the states.  Even though it’s another country and another culture, you can see all the same emotions, same tears, same yielding or maybe holding back.  It’s just amazing how even though I don’t speak the language of these people or know anything about them, the altar service feels like a well worn glove.

After service back at our apartment, we got on the elevator to come back up.  It stuck.  We were only stuck inside for about 3 minutes, but that was enough.  We’ll all the taking the stairs from now on.  We’re only 5 floors up. 

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