Peoples' Family Honduras Trip

The Peoples family will be in Honduras working with Brad and Lycia Schreckhise, missionaries of the United Pentecostal Church, for 8 weeks. Our home church is Royalwood Pentecostal Church in Houston, TX.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can't judge a book . . .

Well, I’ve had some friendly reminders to resume posting to the blog again.  We’ve been pretty busy lately and so I haven’t had as much time to write as before.  Thanks for the comments from some of you though.  It lets me know people are reading.  Future posts will probably be shorter than in the past.  I have several things to post, but I won’t be able to do it all today.
There is one hilarious thing that keeps happening here over and over.  We have working with us here another sister (Sis. Venita) from Kansas.  She is half black and half Mexican and she looks very much like she fits in here in Honduras.  The problem is that she speaks very little Spanish.  So everywhere we go, we have the Schreckhise’s, me, Joy and Sis. Venita.  All of us except Sis. V look very American (aka white). We were eating the other day and a man came by asking for money.  He turns to Sis. V and rattles off his long request.  She of course has no idea what he is saying, but she looks Honduran so he assumes she does.

I can not tell you how many times this happens.  When in public places, the Honduran folk here constantly come up to our group, turn to face Sis. V, and in rapid fire Spanish say whatever it is that they are wanting to say.  She stares at them bug eyed, like “I have no idea what you are talking about”, until one of the Schreckhise’s interrupts to tell the person to speak to them.  They just assume that she is the Spanish speaker among us since she looks the part.  She will tell them “No entiendo mucho espanol” and they look at her and go right back into what they were saying like they don’t believe her.  And she’s like “No, you don’t get it.  I really don’t understand what you are saying.”  I’ve even seen this happen when Bro. Schreckhise has been speaking perfect Spanish to them for a bit.  Then when they want to reply, they’ll turn to back to her who hasn’t been speaking a word of Spanish and reply to her.  It’s like a mental block or something. 

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