Peoples' Family Honduras Trip

The Peoples family will be in Honduras working with Brad and Lycia Schreckhise, missionaries of the United Pentecostal Church, for 8 weeks. Our home church is Royalwood Pentecostal Church in Houston, TX.

Monday, December 6, 2010


to Tara Rollins Smith.  The world's greatest cousin.  Well, maybe not the greatest, but she's probably somewhere in the top 10.  Or maybe top 1,000 . . . I mean there's a lot of people in the world and I'm sure there are a lot of great cousins.  I think the world has about 6 billion people so even if she was in the top 1% she would be in the top 60 million cousins.  So maybe that's it.  The world's 60 millionth best cousin.  Although now that I think about it she's probably only in the top 10%, so make that the world's 600 millionth best cousin.

Happy Birthday, Tara!!

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